Sunday, March 9, 2014

Gratitude Sunday


Joining in Taryn for Gratitude Sunday
{Sunday's heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.} 

A quiet weekend with family and safe travel

Celebrating his 49th birthday. 

Blooms and buds everywhere! 

Longer days full of sunshine

Planting seeds and planning our little garden.

Coming up with a savings plan...our fall trip will be paid for in full.

Getting back on track with my exercise and diet.

Hanging quilts outside.  I love how  they smell when I bring them in.

Candles, coffee and crochet.  A perfect way to end a wonderful week.


  1. A lovely list, I am enjoying the longer days, too.

  2. Love your Crocuses I am enjoying them too! A weekend with your family, sunshine and a holiday to look forward to, perfect!

  3. Such lovely things to be grateful for and how great to take the time for gratitude. xx
