The title pretty much says it all...I found out a few things during our walk yesterday:
Alex can be very snarky!! (in a good way!)
Moms that bring cameras on walks are lame!
(Moms who stop every couple of seconds to try and get a picture of the butterfly
that was following us are ridiculous. So bad in fact, that teenage boys will not wait on them...apparently can't even be seen with/near them.)
Never did catch the butterfly.
Alex only walked with me the first 2 miles and delcared he was done.
The last two were by myself. I stopped way too much to try and get many things to see.
Dappled sunligh is my favorite!
It has to be said...I LOVE clouds!!
I love this time of year! Cool breezes, the whitest, puffiest clouds I have ever seen.
Still hot, but not too hot.
Leaves so subtly beginning to change...
I love this walk. 4 miles round trip. So many pretty things to see.